Autor:    Alba Lucía Hernández Espinosa

Alba Lucía Hernández Espinosa



Her present was to kick you out of the house,

and take out your clothes roughly,

guarded by a menacing gorilla,

that would impede you from taking the furniture and belongings.


“My mom owes me money,

that`s why I don`t let her take out the furniture”.

That is the God of her,

she doesn`t let her feel;

she is like Neron killing his mother while she is alive,

making ashes love and affection.


They are unhappy,

what they do is not worth getting carried away with.


The wicked employee is scheming,

that lends herself to evil;

she won`t enjoy the house,

you can be sure.


All will receive their punishment,

you will find peace.


You lose when you win,

and you win when you lose.

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